Discover the power of clear confidence with Invisalign. Smile transformation simplified!


Maligned teeth may not only look bad but may give occlusion problems. Evergreen Dental offers in office clear aligner therapy that helps fix crooked teeth for patients of all ages. If you were concerned about having metal in your mouth for 18 months, no need! Invisalign is a great option that is aesthetically pleasing.


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Orthodontics is the specialty of dentistry focused on the diagnosis and treatment of dental and associated facial irregularities. The results of orthodontic treatment can be dramatic — beautiful smiles, improved dental health and an enhanced quality of life for many people of all ages. Orthodontic problems, which can result from genetic and environmental factors, must be diagnosed before treatment begins. Proper diagnosis involves taking photographs, x-rays, and dental impressions or scans, which enable our practice to make informative decisions about the form of treatment necessary.

Treatment typically lasts from 6 to 30 months, depending on age and the severity of the orthodontic problem. Outstanding results are also dependent on maximizing the coordination of care between you and our practice. We are committed to delivering the best possible service in order for you to achieve your orthodontic objectives.

We follow the guidelines established by the American Association of Orthodontists by recommending that an orthodontic evaluation take place at age 7 for all children. This early evaluation can help to determine the best time to begin any necessary treatment. Dr. Katie Davidson, our in house kids dentist would be thrilled to see your child(ren) for a full assessment. 

Many progressive treatments are now available for patients 7 to 11 years of age that provide significant benefits, especially when jaw irregularities are present. These treatments may also prevent certain conditions from worsening. Treating children with these types of problems during their growth stages allows our practice to achieve results that may not be possible when face and jaw bones have fully developed. This early treatment can simplify or eliminate additional treatment for the child.

Aligners use constant, gentle pressure, which over time, move teeth into their proper positions. 

Our clear aligner products combine your doctor’s diagnosis with sophisticated computer graphics technology to develop a treatment plan which specifies the desired movements of your teeth during the course of your treatment. Upon approval of a treatment plan developed by your doctor, a series of customized aligners is produced specifically for your treatment.

You may undergo a routine orthodontic pre-treatment examination including radiographs (x-rays) and photographs. Your doctor will take impressions/scans of your teeth and send them along with a prescription to the laboratory. Upon approval of the treatment plan, our lab will produce and ship a series of customized aligners to your doctor. The total number of aligners will vary depending on the complexity of your malocclusion and the doctor’s treatment plan.

Dental Service in Winnipeg

The aligners will be individually numbered and will be dispensed to you by your doctor with specific instructions for use. Unless otherwise instructed by your doctor, you should wear your aligners for approximately 20 to 22 hours per day, removing them only to eat, brush and floss. As directed by your doctor, you will switch to the next aligner in the series every two to three weeks.

Treatment duration varies depending on the complexity of your doctor’s prescription. Unless instructed otherwise, you should follow up with your doctor at a minimum of every 6 to 8 weeks. Some patients may require bonded aesthetic attachments and/or the use of elastics during treatment to facilitate specific orthodontic movements. Patients may require additional impressions and/or refinement aligners after the initial series of aligners. 

Your aligners are at work every moment of your orthodontic treatment. Each set of trays is created with the slightest change of each tooth’s position. With pressure on one side from the arch wire, the bone on the other side gives way. The tooth moves. New bone grows in behind. In order for successful clear aligner therapy, trays must be worn at least 22 hours per day.

Are Invisalign Aligners Right for You?

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