Elevate Your Confidence with Cosmetic Dentistry at Evergreen Dental
Why Do We Smile? Smiling is important to our well-being. Have you ever heard that smiling can make you healthier? Numerous documented studies have shown the benefits of smiling naturally and even faking a smile! Some benefits include: the release of endorphins, looking younger, being more approachable, lowering your heart rate, building trust in relationships, boosting the immune system, lifting your mood, and increasing your confidence.
To add, a genuine smile shared with another person is not only contagious but also makes them feel better about themselves and better about their current situation. Even still, if for just a moment, a quick smirk, smiling also affects how others see us. This is because people will typically associate smiling with positive emotions!
At Evergreen Dental Centre, we are no strangers to the benefits of smiling. We see the value in smiling, and it is for this reason why we offer a complimentary tooth-whitening session for all of our new patients. We want you to be proud of your smile, and we want you to show off your grin! 😃
Sometimes, tooth whitening can only do so much, and other routes of treatment need to be considered. For those looking to have a more in-depth smile assessment and/or improvement, we have the solution. You may be unhappy with the position of your teeth, symmetry, color, shape, length, or even certain characteristics of the teeth themselves.
The doctors at Evergreen Dental will go through what is called a Smile Design process. Whether it is one tooth to match at the front or your entire smile from front to back, we follow a similar process to help design your smile. Some call it a Smile Makeover, while others call it a Smile Design.
Regardless of what you call it, our process is to help quantify and qualify your smile. We are then able to create a beautiful esthetic smile that not only looks natural but also synergizes with the characteristics of your face and matches with the proportions of your teeth.
The Smile Design process can sometimes be intimidating. This is because of the numerous records we take. The more information we can capture about you and your teeth, the closer we can achieve your individualized “perfect smile.” These records are done in order to not only create a smile with the proper esthetics but also have exceptional chewing function with limited risk of tooth/material fracture.
So, what’s the process? The first step is photography. A series of pre-treatment photographs are taken. These include close-up intraoral photos, smiling photos, resting photos, and photos of the entire face as a whole. We want to capture certain facial characteristics and facial shapes in order to help guide the look of the final teeth. The more information and detail, the better. After photos are taken, we review them with our patients to explain what we see from an objective standpoint and we invite feedback from what they see from a subjective view.
Once photos are completed, molds and an intraoral 3D scan of the teeth are taken. These records will be used by our ceramist to help design the smile. Once uploaded to computer software, our dentists work in conjunction with the ceramist to help create your ideal smile. The smile is designed for color, symmetry, proportions, and textures all taking into consideration adjacent teeth and their characteristics.
Once approved, a 3D printer is used to construct a three-dimensional model of the idealized teeth that you can actually touch and feel. A mold of the newly designed teeth is then made and transferred to our patients’ mouths with temporary removable material. This is referred to as a “Mock Up.” Color aside, shapes, symmetry, length, and proportions can all be assessed. This Mock Up for your teeth is comparable to a blueprint for a house.
We are able to visualize the final result before starting on anything. The beauty of this process allows our patients to visualize, in their own mouths, what their smile could potentially look like! This brings an immense amount of value to the process as it removes any fear or doubt in the final appearance of the teeth.
Before any treatment has commenced, our patients have peace of mind, control, and confidence in the final result! If we are unhappy with the Mock Up for whatever reason (shape, size, length, etc.), modifications in the software can be made, a new 3D model printed, and a new Mock Up tried in the mouth. This can be done until both the patient and dentist are satisfied. Once approved, discussions about materials, treatment sequencing, timelines, etc. can be had to initiate the process.
At Evergreen Dental Centre, we offer a 5-year warranty on all treatment rendered as part of the Smile Design process as long as regular maintenance and recare visits are kept. We offer payment plans for those in need and weekend appointments for those on a fixed time schedule. At the end of the day, we want to make your smile right for you. As dentists, we gain just as much joy as our patients when seeing their happiness at the completion of treatment. We might even take some post-treatment photos as comparisons and to document your journey 😉
Contact Us
Give us a call at (204) 339-0050 to see what a Smile Design can achieve for you!