Top-Quality Dental Services in Winnipeg at Evergreen Dental

Evergren Dental Centre is proud to offer a wide range of general dental services and procedures. We guarantee a calming and relaxing dental experience.

Explore Comprehensive Dental Services in Winnipeg at Evergreen Dental. Our dedicated team offers a diverse range of dental treatments to address all your oral health needs. From routine check-ups and cleanings to advanced procedures like dental implants and orthodontics, we’re committed to delivering exceptional care tailored to you. Whether you’re seeking preventive maintenance or cosmetic enhancements, our modern facility and caring professionals ensure a comfortable experience. Count on Evergreen Dental for reliable and compassionate dental services in Winnipeg that prioritize your well-being. Schedule your appointment today and discover why we’re your trusted choice for quality dental care.


Discover the rejuvenating benefits of Botox at our dental clinic. Our skilled professionals offer precise injections to smooth away fine lines and wrinkles, helping you achieve a youthful, refreshed appearance.

Childrens Dentistry

Introduce your child to a lifetime of healthy smiles from Evergreen Dental. Our gentle and friendly team specializes in pediatric dental care, providing preventive treatments and education in a welcoming environment.

Cleaning & Checkups

Maintain optimal oral health with comprehensive cleanings and checkups. Our skilled dentists perform thorough cleanings and examinations to prevent dental issues and ensure your smile stays healthy.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Transform your smile with cutting-edge cosmetic dentistry solutions. Our skilled team offers personalized treatments to enhance your smile's appearance and boost your confidence.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are the new standard for replacing missing teeth. They are titanium screws that act like anchored teeth in the jaw that function and look like natural teeth.


Regain confidence in your smile with our customized denture solutions. Our experienced team crafts comfortable and natural-looking dentures to restore your ability to eat, speak, and smile with ease.

Emergency Dental

Evergreen Dental can help you in a pinch with your Dental Emergencies! Learn more about our Emergency Dental services and find answers to Frequently Asked Dental Emergencies.

Restorative Dentistry

Stop tooth decay with a dental filling. We use white fillings to restore your tooth structure while maintaining the natural look of your smile.


Invisalign uses clear aligners that are discreet, custom-fit to your teeth and removable. Invisalign slowly shift your teeth to an ideal arch-form, bite alignment and beautiful smile.

Laser Whitening

The Laser Whitening systems at Evergreen Dental are an effective way to remove stains and discolouration. Let us restore your glow with Laser Whitening done by the pros.

Sedation Dentistry

Conscious sedation is great for people with mild to severe anxiety, going to have complex or longer procedures or desire to “nap” through their dental visit.

Sports Dentistry

Elevate your game with our sports dentistry expertise. From custom mouthguards to dental trauma management, we ensure athletes maintain peak oral health for optimal performance.

TMJ & Sleep Apnea

Unlock relief from TMJ pain and sleep apnea disturbances with our specialized treatments. Our experienced team offers personalized solutions to alleviate discomfort and improve sleep quality.

Wisdom Teeth

Uncover everything you need to know about wisdom teeth removal and care at Evergreen Dental. From understanding when it's time to have them extracted to post-operative care tips, we ensure a comfortable experience.

Ready to achieve your best smile? Schedule your appointment today at Evergreen Dental, your premier destination for top-notch dental services in Winnipeg. Our expert team is here to address all your oral health needs with personalized care and compassion. Take the first step towards a healthier, happier smile now!